Support Denver Public Library's Read Aloud Program Now - February 29

In honor of Library Lover's month, we invite you to Share the Love of Reading! All proceeds support getting books for Denver Public Library's Read Aloud program participants. Not to mention, all donations up to $10,000 will be MATCHED!

Here's how you can help reach the goal of $20,000:

  1. Make your own fundraising page for this campaign by clicking here.
  2. Decide on a goal for how much money you want to raise.
  3. Reach out to friends and family and ask for their support!
  4. Share on social media how reading has impacted your life.

About Read Aloud

  • Read Aloud helps Denver children develop literacy skills through reading books aloud in preschool classrooms.
  • Weekly literacy-enriched story times are read to children for 30 weeks.
  • Children are exposed to 120-150 new books each semester.
  • At the end of each semester, every child receives a book to take home, helping to bridge the gap in access to literacy-rich materials in low-income communities.

"Being a part of the Read Aloud program has given me a treasure of experiences, from helping to increase their [kids] language skills, to opening their world to new adventures, places, and knowledge. ... to start reading a book and seeing the children quiet down, to hear their silence if the subject is serious or their laughter when it's funny. And I will never forget one little boy who, at the end of the story, yelled out, 'READ IT AGAIN.'"

- Lynn Sibbet, Read Aloud Volunteer

Your Support Provides... 

$28 - Books for 7 kids

$80 - Books for a preschool classroom

$160 - Books for 2 preschool classrooms

$320 - All preschools in one school with books